Is Your Phone Always Near You When You're Driving? This is Exactly Why That's a Bad Idea!
If you think it's safe and sound to drive a car and at the same time chatting on your cell phone, then you've dialed the wrong number. Cell users are four times as likely to end up involved in a really serious accident.Various studies associate really serious vehicle collision injuries with conversing on the cellphone. The results also indicate the fact that same risks are presented regardless of whether having a cell phone to your ear or chatting through a hands-free gadget, including a speaker phone. Most of these studies also show that talking, not holding is the more distracting action.
The danger is not relating to gender, age, or kind of mobile either. Male and female drivers encounter exactly the same increase in risk with using a mobile phone though driving.
Regardless of whether you use a normal mobile phone or hands-free devices, the dangers present.
Motorists should not use mobile devices whilst driving a motor vehicle. The danger is substantial. If you are on a cell phone when driving, you're putting you and every person in your car in danger. You're also endangering the lives of many other road users.
If you would like to use your phone when driving a car, stop your vehicle on the side of the road to make your call. Additionally you can wait until you reach your destination. It is always a good idea to avoid multi-tasking when behind the wheel. Driving safely requires full concentration. Driving is a very challenging job. Tracking what are you doing around you is hard enough without distractions.
Cellphone use is only 1 of the several disruptions that may lead to fatal vehicular crashes. Taking your eyes of the road to check on the kids in the back seat, eat your breakfast, do your make up, or even switching the radio channel can lead to big accidents!
The primary duty of every driver is to safely operate the car, without losing focus. Of course you'll find positive aspects in having a cellphone on hand in an emergency, but it surely shouldn't be used simultaneously. It doesn't matter if it's hands-held or hands free.
There are particular rules that must be followed when driving and taking a call while driving is completely prohibited, because you lose your concentration!
Choosing the Best Car Insurance to Fit Your Budget
How do you know what insurance is right for your budget? Car insurance can take a big chunk out of your budget. Many factors affect the total cost and you should take careful consideration of these to determine what kind of coverage is needed. Some of these factors include the number of vehicles to be insured, the driver's age, driving record, and the type of coverage. The key is to know what you need and want, do your research and then shop around.When determining the type of coverage, think about what is required by law and what you would prefer to have. Most states require liability coverage as a bare minimum. Liability coverage only covers damage incurred to the other vehicle in a collision.
However, finance companies require the vehicle to have collision coverage as well. Collision coverage covers all repairs to your car when an accident occurs and should definitely be considered if there will not be money available up front to pay for repairs. Comprehensive coverage covers all damages to the vehicle that are not caused by collision and can be very beneficial if it fits in the budget. However if your budget is too tight, this should be the first thing to go.
The deductible and coverage amount for each type of coverage can increase or decrease the cost of the policy dramatically and should be taken into careful consideration when shopping around. Request quotes for different deductibles and coverage amounts to see what the difference in cost is and then choose something within a reasonable price range.
Research the various discounts each car insurance company offers. These can make a big difference in the overall cost as well. Some of the available discounts are multi-car, age, safety, security, safe driver, vehicle type, and student discounts. Many company's give discounts for anti-lock breaks, anti-theft devices, and restraint devices. Make a list of all discounts that may apply and then discuss them when receiving car insurance quotes to make sure you are getting all the discounts available.
Weigh all available options and make a list of the desired coverage options. Use this list when obtaining car insurance quotes. Utilize every tool available to determine the provider and coverage that is right for your budget. Use the Internet to obtain online quotes as a foundation for your comparisons; however, don't stop there.
Other sources are multi-quote services, companies that deal directly over the phone, and local insurance agents. Find out who is out there and what they are offering. Car insurance is a very competitive business and deals are around every corner.
Even after you have found a company and coverage that fits your budget, always be on the look out for cheaper and better car insurance. Don't be afraid to switch companies, change your coverage, or add new discounts. At any time you can add or remove coverage to fit your current budget. Good research and knowledge of what is available could save money now and in the future."