Escaping the Car Insurance Bait and Switch

Escaping the Car Insurance Bait and Switch
Escaping the Car Insurance Bait and Switch

Escaping the Car Insurance Bait and Switch

"The commercials you see on TV are certainly enticing. Simply switch your car insurance to XYZ Company and with their special ""No Claims"" discount, you could be saving hundreds on your car insurance. It certainly sounds like a good opportunity, especially if you've had a clean driving history.

Unfortunately, even if you have a letter in your hand offering you a ""No Claims"" discount or bonus, you may quickly discover that this kind of discount is not that good of an offer.

For one reason or another, you just don't qualify. Even if you do, the amount of the discount is usually not enough to justify the cost and hassle of switching. By the time you calculate the value of the time you've spent on the phone and online getting a new quote and sorting out the paperwork, your special ""No Claims"" discount may actually leave you out of pocket.

Most ""No Claims"" discount schemes are confusing and have conflicting terms. A single windscreen claim could disqualify you, or you may have to pay penalties if you do get into an accident, even if it isn't your fault. Your new insurer may quickly subject you to a series of premium rate hikes, even if you aren't making claims.

A better plan may be to escape the discount program altogether. To do this, you need to look beyond slick offers and find a car insurance company that really looks at your personal driving habits and rewards you accordingly. If you are a good driver with no claims, you shouldn't have to jump through promotional hoops to get affordable car insurance.

What you need to do is find an insurance company that does in- depth risk profiling during the quotation process. This helps separate you, as a good driver with no claims, from the ""average driver"" that most insurance companies use to generate premium rates. As a result, you will be able to command a premium better tailored to you.

The process is a bit more inquisitive, but the more an insurance company knows about your driving behaviours, claims history, and overall vehicle lifestyle, the more likely it is to offer you a highly competitive rate. Traditional insurers often don't make the effort-they just provide you with a discount program to reel you in. You can and should do better.

Thanks to modern technology, the process for in-depth risk profiling is fully automated. The companies that make the extra effort to differentiate are running sophisticated software programs that allow you to get personailsed car insurance quotes online at your convenience. You don't have to wait around on a special hotline for hours, only to hear that you won't be getting the ""special deal"" but they'd be happy to offer you another policy.

Instead, in just a few short minutes you can have a personally tailored quote that really reflects your low-risk status. You don't have to take the ""No Claims"" discount nonsense any longer. You can make the choice to switch, and actually do it in a way that really saves you money."

The Importance of the Car Insurance Comparison

"Car insurance

The first thing after buying a new car is to get it insured because it is very important to avoid any sort of inconvenience or mishap. There are a number of insurance companies offering various packages, but to get the maximum benefit by spending minimum amount of money, one must undergo the process of car insurance comparison.

Car insurance comparison

Before getting affiliated with any insurance company, one must compare the packages offered by them and make the right choice. Before getting it insured there are a few steps that should be undergone to get the maximum benefit. Firstly, the user should fill a form in which all the requirements and other information should be mentioned clearly, such as, age or complete information about the vehicle. Then it should be submitted and the insurance companies will start offering their packages to the subscriber.


Car insurance is of great importance for people who have to travel a lot by road. It provides subscribers a great deal of peace of mind as the insurance company handles all mishaps taking place within the coverage area.

Cheapest and most suitable insurance

Most of the times, users reduce the coverage to get cheaper insurance. This is one of the ways by which vehicle owners can get cheap insurance. In contrast with this technique, there are also other ways by which users can ensure maximum benefits in lowest rates.

The best way is to contact any agency with various packages, after which a form should be filled in which the users will mention details about themselves and regarding the vehicle. The insurance companies will start offering their packages immediately. In this way, user can choose the most suitable package.


While selecting the best insurance agency, one should make sure that the rates are checked regularly. It gives peace of mind to the user as in case of any emergency, it would be handled by the insurance company. The car insurance companies are also responsible for taking care of any sort of health issues related with the insured car, such as, any accident or injury. Besides, the insurance company is also responsible for the damages done to the car.

Things to remember

One should try to get insurance with lowest rates but the coverage and other features of the selected package should not be compromised."