The Do's and Don'ts of Filing a Car Insurance Claim
"When the time comes for it, you don't want to mess with your car insurance claim. After all, you've just had an accident, which is stressful as it is, without having to worry about something else thrown into the mix to make it worse. So what are the dos and don'ts of filing a car insurance claim? Let's find out.THE DO's:
Call your car insurance company as soon as an accident or injury takes place. Amongst the first few calls you make after an accident, calling your car insurance company should undoubtedly be one of them.
Be absolutely certain of what kind of auto insurance coverage you're paying for. Make it a point to read the ""coverage"" and ""exclusion"" sections of you policy so that you know what you're covered for should you meet with accident and need to file a claim. There's nothing worse than finding out your coverage doesn't pay for certain scenarios, leaving you in the lurch.
If you are involved in an accident where the other party is at fault, ask to speak to their insurance provider immediately. Keep detailed notes of your conversation with the insurance agent. Get names, contact numbers, and job titles of people you speak with and even ask for their supervisor's name, just to be on the safe side.
Take pictures of the accident scene along with the damage to your vehicle and your injuries (if any) at the time of the accident. It is important for you to document the accident scene as best you can.
Be honest with your insurer. Make sure he has all the facts. You want to make sure he knows every single detail. If you fail to do so, there's a chance your policy could get cancelled or your claim could be denied.
Be sure to keep all receipts of meals, rentals, lodging, hospital bills and purchases from the time you make your claim until the final settlement has been made with your insurance company.
If the estimate of your losses given to you by the insurer doesn't satisfy you, don't settle. Insurance companies tend to try to get you to accept their contractor's estimate cost of repairs, which in most cases might be a bit low.Don't sign any releases or waivers until you obtain legal advice. Insurance companies need you to file a claim within a certain time limit after an accident.
Sometimes you might not be satisfied with the amount being offered by your auto insurance company. In such cases you should remember that many policies allow you only one year from the date of the accident during which period you can take legal action if your claim has not been adjusted fairly. If your claim has not been settled to your satisfaction, act quickly and consult an attorney immediately.
Don't admit to any mistake of your own after an accident. Stick to the facts and don't take the blame if the fault isn't clear. If police are involved, let them decide who was at fault and then take it from there.
Be honest, prompt and careful when filing an insurance claim. Careless of any sort could affect your claim and you don't want to take any such chances."
Online Motor Insurance Quote
Finding Your Perfect First Car "Whether you're visiting a car dealer, or purchasing through an online car sales site, finding and buying your first car can be a daunting experience -- especially if you don't know a lot about cars!It's not just finding a car with the right features, at the right price, that can be a hassle, it's being conscious of what you will use the car for, how much you can afford for car insurance every year, and being sure it will be road worthy now, and in the future.
When selecting your first car, consider the following five options before sealing the deal.
Are you part of a large family? Will you be the main driver for your friends? Do you do deliveries for work? Live remotely? Travel large distances?The first thing to consider when buying your first car is what you will need it for and where you live or work. There's no point getting a sporty second-hand convertible if you live in a place that won't enable top-down driving -- or a two seater smart car if you car pool with four friends each day. Likewise, a two door may not be the most appropriate if you regularly have more than one passenger. Forget colour, model and brand, and first think -- why do I need this car, and don't get sidetracked!
Shape, brand a model
The next thing to consider is if you have any specific requirements that restrict the range of cars you have to choose from. If you need a lot of space, or you take holidays, you may think a hatchback, not as appropriate as a sedan. Similarly, if you don't trust certain brands, or you're very loyal to a particular brand, you may not want to consider the range of other brands available. Cut down your selection list first by functional requirements, and then shape, brand and model needs.Fuel efficiency
These days, petrol has reached prices per litre, previously unheard of. When selecting your first car, you are usually on a tight budget, so it is important to consider costs going forward. The fuel efficiency of your first car is important. While not everyone can afford something at the top end of fuel efficiency, like a hybrid vehicle, smaller vehicles, and more modern vehicles generally go a lot further on a tank than larger or older cars.Mechanical state
Most importantly, before handing over any money, or signing anything, make sure the car is a good purchase. If possible, have the car looked at by a qualified auto mechanic -- especially if it has no warranty -- so you can make sure you're not likely to run into costly mechanical problems down the road. If you can't have a mechanic see the car, look at any records for mechanical issues, check no oil or other fluids are leaking out from under the vehicle and check for dents or scratches in the body. A good trick is to take along some newspaper and put it under the car at the start of the inspection, this way you can check for oil leaks. Likewise, a magnet along the body will tell you if any substantial repair work has been done.Insurance
Insurance can be quite costly, especially if it isn't based on your use of the car, but just a one price fits all cost. Get a number of car insurance quotes, and remember to consider that the model and 'sportiness' of the car, as well as your age, any extras and where you park it will impact the quote.Price
Finally, the cost of the car is probably your biggest consideration -- if you don't have the money, you can't get it! Be reasonable, realistic, and don't even look at cars you can't afford."